
Dining at Kuruvithadam is unique and different. Something special is waiting for you here at the dining hall of Kuruvithadam Bungalow. The food at Kuruvithadam will relish your taste buds and at the same time will make you healthy.


Dining hall at Kuruvithadam Bungalow is a great place to sit down to a fine traditional meal. It offers fine living and dining options with vegetarian/Non­vegetarian cuisine that works fine for your appetite, at the same time refreshes your taste buds. You can sit along with your friends or family and can wisely spent your quality time here.

Here you will experience the best food which will tickle your taste buds whether it is fish fresh from the river or chicken groomed from the farm. The organic farm is another unique feature of Kuruvithadam Bungalow. The vegetables cultivated at this organic farm are used to prepare food for the visitors. These vegetables and fruits are fresh and are tasty to fill your gourmets. They are directly plucked from the exclusive farm of Kuruvithadam.